Friday, February 10, 2012

I've been procrastinating most of the day from studying, but I will be up late reading until my eyes start to close and well up...which hopefully won't happen right away : / Anyway, of course I have been surfing the web and finding some amazing blogs, some of which are: (suggested to me by my future sister-in-law); - another one that I stumbled upon and Love!; & which I have yet to explore fully, but looks exceedingly promising. :) So, for anyone out there who stumbles upon my wee blog, please feel free and check these out because you can get some Lovely ideas from these sites and some things are just AMAZING to look at - people are really crazy/crafty/talented these days. So, what I just wanted to post real quick was my semi-color scheme for my bridesmaid dresses and therefore some of the tid-bits to Our wedding! Aaah. You will be seeing a Whole lotta color, but what I am doing is having my lovely ladies chose a color, or a few colors that they like, & basically find a dress in a similar hue or that exact one if they can manage. The dresses can have patterns, different textures & styles, polka dots lol whatever they find that fits into the large scheme. The only stipulations that will have to be followed are most likely a short dress, & in-between a sun/cocktail dress. P.S. there are only 8 beauties in my bridal party so not all the colors will be chosen & for that matter, some of the dresses may be similar in color. P.P.S. I'm not opposed to blouses tucked into skirt options either - pretty much anything goes at this Bash! Now, Without further ado:

Hope you can get some inspiration from my color block, you can see that I'm into the pale pinky/peachy/mauves, but I like some PoPs of color too!

& For those Brides out there who are trying to figure out a color scheme: Check out the paint sample section and score some free color slabs!!! :]

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